A little soccer in the park |
Since we had a little extra time to enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend, the Esker family decided to make a trip downtown to the Three Rivers Art Festival. They had a giant stretch of tents devoted to the visual arts, multiple music stages and even some food tents... all for free. It couldn't have taken us more than 10 minutes to get downtown and parking was only five dollars. We definitely don't miss the Chicagoland traffic or expenses.
It was a little busy considering all that was going on... Saturday, the art festival, and the Pirates were also at home. We were just on the other side of the bridge from Heinz field and PNC park. Even though the Cardinals aren't in town, we may have to make a family trip to the ballpark at some point.
Heinz Field in the Background |
Dad really wanted to see a band called Leagues who took the stage at 6:30. So, we had a little bit of time to kill considering we parked around 4:30. The stroller didn't last long since Brenden and Jackson just want to explore. We decided to lay down a blanket and kick it on the lawn while we enjoyed some festival food. Snowcone... yes please, cheese quesadilla... don't mind if I do, and it wouldn't be right if Mom did enjoy some delicious falafel. Food is always a form of entertainment for the boys. I fear for our grocery bill in a few years.

As always, Brenden and Jackson managed to attract the attention of almost every passerby. We had a photographer who was working on a calendar for the city of Pittsburgh ask to take some shots of the boys. Shortly after, Brenden and Jackson made a few friends a little closer to their age and had fun chasing them around. Leagues played some real feel good music and provided the beats to even do a little dancing. It felt really good to enjoy some quality family time outside of the apartment.
Jackson all tired out |
Mommy stealing kisses |
Church Brew Works |
Sunday was Fathers Day. Brenden and Jackson woke up early so we were able to put them down for their first nap and get to church by 10:00. We went to St. Paul's Cathedral just down the street. It's an absolutely beautiful church and even makes the Cathedral in Springfield look small. After church, we skyped with Grandpa, Grandma and Aunt Julie to wish Grandpa a happy fathers day. Shortly after we fed the boys a small snack, it was time for nap number two. Dad chose to go to Church Brew Works for his fathers day meal. We did a late lunch at a brewery in an old restored church. They had great beer and even better woodfire pizza. The boys had their meal gone before our pizza even came to the table. They are machines when it comes to eating. Mom and Dad split a bbq pizza topped with wild boar. It was very tasty. Towards the end of the meal, Brenden and Jackson must have got a little loopy from all the food. We got some really funny pictures.

After lunch, Brenden and Jackson were showing signs of a food coma. We made a stop at the grocery store on the way home and picked up a few things for the potluck that evening. Upon our return, we did a quick skype with the whole Beaver family and put the boys down for number three. You know it's bad when it's a three nap day. While the boys napped, we fixed a dish and then it was off to party with the couch surfers. Mom's fellow young artists invited us to a potluck at their host family's house. It was a little rough chasing the boys around a house that hadn't been baby proofed but we managed. We attempted to enjoy some food, drink and conversation while the boys ran around and made friends. It was an exhausting day, but for all the right reasons:-)
Hello |