The boys and I accompanied Mom to her voice lesson in
Evanston today. We decided to get
an early start and pack a lunch to enjoy next to the lake. It rained almost the entire way there
but the weather managed to hold off during our time at the park. The cool breeze off the lake made for
ideal conditions during our picnic. After the park, we headed up to campus. Toni had her lesson while I spent some quality time with
Brenden and Jackson. We walked
around downtown for a bit and then laid down a blanket by the lake. Once our time was up we met Mom and her
voice teacher, Sunny. Sunny also
had twins of her own several years back.
She had nothing but good things to say, both about the twins and Mom’s
Toni was able to feed, talk on the phone and eat lunch all at the same time... the ultimate multitask. |
This evening we did baths and, man, did Jackson make a mess. He wasn't very happy to begin with so he let dad know about it. Thank god I was standing off to the side for a bit, because the next thing I knew a golden arch was on display, and it ended on the kitchen floor. He wasn't finished! When I laid him down in the sink he was ready for round two. Except this time, It was more like a fire hose that nobody was holding. It went about everywhere in the kitchen that is humanly possible. I finally handed him off to Mom for a peaceful feeding session, while I tended to the remanence of the chaos that preceded.