Friday, June 8, 2012

6/5/12 - The Perfect Storm

Let this be known as the night of the perfect storm.  It all began with a relaxing walk followed by some dinner prep in the kitchen.  Mom sat down to feed the twins as I put the pizza on the grill and poured a glass of wine.  There was no way that we could prepare for the madness that followed.  I faintly heard “BRIAN!!!” over the sound of my guitar and a blaring episode of “What Not to Wear.”  Toni had spilled her entire drink on the pillows and new couch.  After laying down some towels, it was back to the grill for about 30 seconds before my cell phone rang with a call from Toni.  Apparently, Brenden had an explosion in his pants that literally scared the shit out of him.  It was all the way up his back.  On top of that, he shot milk out of his nose in the process.  Unfortunately this cleanup required more than a few towels.  An entire pack of baby wipes later, I set Brenden down and retrieved dinner from the grill.  Now it was Baxter’s turn to get in on the action.  He decided to barrel into the living room with a squirrel on his mind and knock my glass of wine off the coffee table and into Jackson’s rock n play.  Once Jackson was wiped down and changed, the second I snapped the last button on his onesie he decided to follow in the footsteps of his older bro and shoot a load right up his back.  So, I changed him again and he managed to squeeze one more out as I set him down to eat. After starting our full load of laundry, Toni and I were finally ready to sit down and enjoy our delicious cold pizza.  What a night…

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